
Chemistry 12: College Preparation Unit 1 Self Quiz - 1.4 - 1.7

Short Answer


State which type of electromagnetic energy—ultraviolet light or infrared light—has the
a. shorter wavelength
b. higher frequency
c. lower energy


Describe the difference between a continuous spectrum and a line spectrum.


a.What is a line spectrum?
b.How is a line spectrum produced?
c.How can a line spectrum be used as a qualitative analysis technique?


Describe the difference between the ground state and the excited state of an electron. How does an electron get promoted from the ground state to an excited state?


a.Draw a Bohr–Rutherford diagram of an oxygen atom if all its electrons are in their ground state.
b. Draw a Bohr–Rutherford diagram of an oxygen atom if one of its electrons is in an excited state and the remaining electrons are in their ground state.


a.Why do different elements emit different colours when subjected to a flame test?
b. How can flame tests be used as a qualitative analysis technique?

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